söndag 27 september 2009

Pynchon's new novel

Not that I don't like Thomas Pynchon's work. I do.
The first novel of his that I read was Gravity's Rainbow, and it was one of a half-dozen life-changing books for me — utterly absorbing and unlike any other novel. But Pynchon's books are demanding. His protevian style, his encyclopedic knowledge of everything from physics to pop culture, his intellectual vigor, his pendant for depression, his staggeringly complex plots and huge casts of characters — they all add up to books that require the reader to work.

Eager as I am to dive into every new novel from Pynchon, I never expect to zip through them.
Until this one, it's called Inherent Vice.

Pynchon has always been a happy poacher of pop lit genres — his last novel, Against the Day, was, among many other things, a survey of early 20th century genres like boys' adventure tales, exotic travelogues and more.

And I also enjoy this little game, now in the eve of the sad anniversary of the Estonia disaster... Something spooky about the way Sweden handles the case.

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